Associate Professor
+91 8918931510
Research Interest:
Microstrip Patch Antenna, Frequency Selective Surface, VLSI
Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar
BTAD Assam India 783370
SL No | Title | Journal | Authors | Publisher | Issbn | Volume No | Page No | Type | Publish Type | Year |
1 | Experimental Investigation on Dual-Frequency Broad Band Microstrip antenna with swastika Slot | Indian Journal of Physics | S. Bhunia, S. Biswas, D. Sarkar, P. P. Sarkar | Springer | 81 | 495-497 | JOURNAL | international | 2007 | |
2 | A Novel Investigation on Size Reduction of a Frequency Selective Surface | Microwave & optical Technology Letters | M. K. Pain, S. Bhunia, S. Biswas, D. Sarkar, P. P. Sarkar | Wiley | 49 | 2820-2821 | JOURNAL | international | 2007 | |
3 | Reduced Size Small Dual and Multi- Frequency Microstrip Antenna | Microwave & optical Technology Letters | S. Bhunia, D. Sarkar, S. Biswas, P. P. Sarkar, B. Gupta, K. Yasumoto | Wiley | 50 | 961-965 | JOURNAL | international | 2008 | |
4 | Investigations on microstrip patch antennas with different slots and feeding points | Microwave & optical Technology Letters | S. Bhunia, M. K. Pain, S. Biswas, D. Sarkar, P. P. Sarkar, B. Gupta | Wiley | 50 | 2754-2758 | JOURNAL | international | 2008 | |
5 | Reduced Sized Dual Frequency Microstrip Antenna | Indian Journal of Physics | S. Bhunia, P.P.Sarkar | Springer | 83 | 1457-1461 | JOURNAL | international | 2009 | |
6 | Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Design with Modified Parabolic Method | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | Snigdha Madhab Ghosh, Anindya Sundar Dhar, Sunandan Bhunia | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 1 | 149-153 | JOURNAL | international | 2012 | |
7 | Compact Broad Band Dual Frequency Slot Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna with defecting Ground Plane for Wi-Max and WLAN | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | - | 154-157 | Choose a Type | international | 2012 | |
8 | Effects of Slot Loading on Microstrip Patch Antenna | International Journal of Wired and Wireless Communications | S. Bhunia | RG Journals | 1 | 1-6 | JOURNAL | international | 2012 | |
9 | Design of a Miniaturized Dual Wide Band Frequency Selective Structure | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | S. Singh, D. Sarkar, S. Bhunia, S. Biswas, P.P. Sarkar | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 2 | 347-349 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
10 | Effects of Array Parameters on FSS structure of Dipole Array | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | R. K .Maity, A. Roy, S. Mukherjee, T. K. Barik, S. Bhunia | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | - | 363-366 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
11 | Compact and Broadband Monopole Triangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Shorting Pin | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | Avisankar Roy, P.P.Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 2 | 381-385 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
12 | Study the Liquid Surface Capillary Wave Profile by Optical Method | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | Dibyendu Chowdhury, Sunandan Bhunia, Tarun Kumar Barik | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 2 | 386-390 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
13 | In Search of Emotional Manifestation in ECG Signal | International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering | Snigdha Madhab Ghosh, Partha Mitra, Sunandan Bhunia, | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 2 | 400-403 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
14 | Microstrip Patch Antenna’s Limitations and some Remedies | International Journal of Electronics and Communications Technology | S. Bhunia | Cosmic Journals | 4 | 38-39 | JOURNAL | international | 2013 | |
15 | Compact Multi Frequency Patch Antenna With Spur-Lines for WLAN/WIMAX Applications | International Journal of Electronics and Communications Technology | Avisankar Roy, Saurabh Anand, Praveen Kumar Choudhury, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Cosmic Journals | 5 | 84-86 | JOURNAL | international | 2014 | |
16 | Design and Development of Android Guided Rover for Earth’s Surface | International Journal of Electronics and Communications Technology | Dibyendu Chowdhury, Soumalya Saha, Suva Biswas, Abhishek Mondal, Sudip Kr. Sit, Sunandan Bhunia | Cosmic Journals | 5 | 87-90 | JOURNAL | international | 2014 | |
17 | Compact multi frequency strip loaded microstrip patch antenna with spur-lines | International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies | Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia, Debasree Chanda Sarkar, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Santosh Kumar Chowdhury | Cambridge University Press | 9 | 1111-1121 | JOURNAL | international | 2017 | |
18 | Slot Loaded Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Band Operation | Progress In Electromagnetics Research C | Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia, Debasree C. Sarkar, and Partha P. Sarkar | EMW Publishing | 73 | 145-156 | JOURNAL | international | 2017 | |
19 | Investigation on a Dual band Compact Microstrip Antenna | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | Priyabrata Biswas, Srija De, Sunandan Bhunia, Sushanta Biswas, Partha Pratim Sarkar | IJSER | 8 | 14-16 | JOURNAL | international | 2017 | |
20 | Compact and Broadband Triangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Design Utilizing Shorting Pin | International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies | A. Roy, S. Bhunia, D.C. Sarkar, P.P. Sarkar | ISROSET | 3 | 1-6 | JOURNAL | international | 2017 | |
21 | Effects of Two Identical Notches in the Same and Opposite Non Radiating Edges of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna | International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition | S. Bhunia, A. Roy, D.C. Sarkar, P.P. Sarkar | Science and Engineering Research Support Society | 11 | 15-28 | JOURNAL | international | 2018 | |
22 | Optimization of Electrical Parameters for the Gate Stack Double Gate (GSDG) Mosfet Using PSO Variants | International Journal of Nanoscience | Dibyendu Chowdhury, Bishnu Prasad De, Kanchan Baran Maji, Sumalya Ghosh Rajib Kar, Durbadal Mandal, Sunandan Bhunia | World Scientific Publishing | 18 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2019 | |
23 | Design of Wideband Resonant Cavity Antenna using Particle Swarm Optimization | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | Koushik Dutta, Anirban Chatterjee, Satyajit Chakrabarti, Sunandan Bhunia | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 8 | 2277-3878 | JOURNAL | international | 2020 | |
24 | Compact Wideband Meandered Slotted Multi Frequency Microstrip Antenna | Wireless Personal Communications | Avisankar Roy ,Sunandan Bhunia, Debasree Chanda Sarkar, Partha Pratim Sarkar | Springer | 115 | 1769-1782 | JOURNAL | international | 2020 | |
25 | Cross-polarization pattern diversity of patch antenna using recessed dielectric layer | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Priyanka Kumari , Kaushik Mandal , Juin Acharjee , Sunandan Bhunia | ELSEVIER | 137 | - | Choose a Type | Choose International/National | 2021 | |
26 | Design of Compact UWB Slotted Hexagonal Monopole Antenna with 3.5/5.5 GHz Dual Band Rejection”, Vol. 13 No 3, 03026(4pp) (2021) , DOI: 10.21272/jnep.13(3).03026. 25th June 2021 (Internation | Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics | Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia | Sumy State University | 13 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2021 | |
27 | Design of High Gain Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB/X/Ku Band Applications | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | ELSEVIER | 139 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2021 | |
28 | A Design of Dual Band-Notched UWB Hexagonal Printed Microstrip Antenna | International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies | Surajit Mukherjee, Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Cambridge University Press | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2022 | |
29 | High Gain Miniaturized Super Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna | International Journal of Communication Systems | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Wiley | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2022 | |
30 | Super Wideband High Gain Hybrid Microstrip Patch Antenna " ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2022.154264 , [Published online on 3rd June 2022] (International, Refereed SCIE Journal) | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Smarajit Maity,Tapas Tewary, Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | ELSEVIER | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2022 | |
31 | Wideband Hybrid Microstrip Patch Antenna and Gain Improvement using FSS | International Journal of Communication Systems | Smarajit Maity,Tapas Tewary, Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Wiley | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2022 | |
32 | FSS Embedded High Gain ‘N’ shaped Miniaturized Broadband Antenna | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | ELSEVIER | 158 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
33 | HEART Shaped Broadband Hybrid Patch Antenna | International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology | Smarajit Maity, Tapas Tewary, Avisankar Roy, Kaushik Mondal, Sunandan Bhunia | International Academy of Microwave and Optical Technology | 18 | 275-283 | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
34 | FSS Integrated High Gain Broadband Antenna | Journal of Nano-and-Electronic Physics | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Arindum Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia | Sumy State University | 15 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
35 | Electromagnetic band gap coupled tri-notched miniaturized ultra-wideband antenna loaded with slot and parasitic strip | International Journal of Communication Systems | Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy, Smarajit Maity, Tapas Tewary, Koushik Dutta, Sunandan Bhunia | Wiley | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
36 | Wide Band Microstrip Patch Antenna with Enhanced Gain using FSS Structure | Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Avisankar Roy, Sunandan Bhunia | Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society (SBMO) and Brazilian Society of Electromagnetism (SBMag) | 22 | 329-345 | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
37 | Study and Analysis on Compactness of Patch Antenna Utilizing Ground Plane with U slot | Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics | Sunandan Bhunia, Neha Gupta, Nitu Kumari, Jyotirmoy Bhargav, Avisankar Roy, Tapas Tewary,Smarajit Maity | Sumy State University | 15 | - | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
38 | Mutual Coupling Reduction Between Two Tightly Packed Half-Split Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antennas | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | Mohit Mishra, Koushik Dutta, Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum, Mohammad S. Sharawi, Ahmed A. Kishk, Sumantra Chaudhuri, Sunandan Bhunia | IEEE | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2023 | |
39 | Design and analysis of frequency selective surface embedded broadband high gain miniaturized antenna” Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Avisankar Roy,Kaushik Mandal, Surajit Kundu, Sunandan Bhuni | International Journal of Communication Systems | Tapas Tewary, Smarajit Maity, Avisankar Roy,Kaushik Mandal, Surajit Kundu, Sunandan Bhunia | Wiley | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2024 | |
40 | Notch band characteristics improvement of a printed ultra wideband antenna by embedding frequency Selective Surface | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Surajit Mukherjee , Avisankar Roy , Arindum Mukherjee , Surajit Kundu , Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | ELSEVIER | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2024 | |
41 | Improvement in notch band characteristics of a hexagonal super wideband antenna by interfering back radiation out of phase with front radiation using frequency selective surface | International Journal of Communication Systems | Surajit Mukherjee, Avisankar Roy,Tapas Tewary, Kaushik Mandal, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia | Wiley | - | - | JOURNAL | international | 2024 | |
42 | Design and analysis of a compact millimeter-wave pentaband antenna for 5G FR-2 band wireless technologies | AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Dheeraj Pandey, Reshmi Dhara, Sunandan Bhunia, Surajit Kundu,“ | Elsevier | - | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2024.155409 | JOURNAL | international | 2024 | |
43 | Development and analysis of small Multi Input Multi Output antenna with better isolation for Frequency Range-2 5th Generation band applications s, Wiley Online Library, (International Refere | International Journal of Communication System | Tej Raj ,Ranjan Mishra, Ankush Kapoor , Sunandan Bhunia, Surajit Kundu | Willey | - | http://doi.org/10.1002/dac.5897 | JOURNAL | international | 2024 |
Funding Projects
SL No | Name | Funding Agency | Duration (Months) | PI Name | Co-PIs Name | Start Month/Year | Completed Month/Year | Project Type |
1 | Designing of compact, Dual & Multi frequency Broadband Microstrip Patch Antennas by Meandering Techniques and DGS Structures | DST SERB | 3 | Dr. Sunandan Bhunia | January-2013 | April-2015 | CENTRAL GOVT |
Invited Talks
SL No | Lecture Name | Faculty Name | Institute/Organization | Venue | Month/Year |
1 | Microstrip Patch Antenna’s Limitations and some Remedies | Dr. Sunandan Bhunia | Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group Of Institutions | Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group Of Institutions | February-2013 |
2 | Some Techniques to overcome the limitations of Microstrip Patch Antenn | Dr. Sunandan Bhunia | Haldia Institute of Technology | Haldia Institute of Technology | August-2021 |
3 | Notched Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna | Dr. Sunandan Bhunia | SR University | Dept. of ECE | April-2024 |