BTAD Assam India 783370
SL No | Title | Journal | Authors | Publisher | Issbn | Volume No | Page No | Type | Publish Type | Year |
1 | Optimization of process parameters of osmotic pressure treatment and heat moisture treatment for rice starch using response surface methodology | Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization | Gayary, M. A., & Mahanta, C. L. | Springer | 14(5) | 2862-2877 | JOURNAL | international | 2020 | |
2 | Comparative Study of Heat‐Moisture Treatment and Annealing on Morphology, Crystallinity, Pasting, and Thermal Properties of Sohphlang (Flemingia vestita) Starch | Starch‐Stärke | Marboh, V., Gayary, M. A., Gautam, G., & Mahanta, C. L. | Wiley | 74(7) | 2100294 | JOURNAL | international | 2022 | |
3 | Characteristics of rice starches modified by single and dual heat moisture and osmotic pressure treatments | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | Gayary, M. A., Marboh, V., Mahnot, N. K., Chutia, H., & Mahanta, C. L. | Elsevier | 255 | 127932 | JOURNAL | international | 2024 |
SL No | Title | Authors | Venue | Publisher | Month/Year | Type |
1 | International e-Conference on Examinations IDEA-2021:“International Debate on Examination & Assessment-2021” | Mainao Alina Gayary | Online | 8-11 June-2021 | international | |
2 | International on Emerging Techniques in Food Processing (ETFP) organized by Department of Food Processing Technology | Mainao Alina Gayary and Charu Lata Mahanta | Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology Malda (Online) | March 25-26-2021 | international | |
3 | International Conference on technological Innovations for Integration of Food and Health: A Focus on North-Eastern India (TiiFH-2019) | Mainao Alina Gayary and Charu Lata Mahanta | Tezpur University, Tezpur | 14th -16th February-2019 | international | |
4 | National Conference on Applied Sciences, Sustainable & Evolving Technologies | Mainao Alina Gayary | CIT Kokrajhar | 9th -11th March-2018 | national | |
5 | 8th International Food Convention HASHTAG organized by Association of Food Scientists and technologists (India) | Mainao Alina Gayary and Charu Lata Mahanta | CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore | 12th -15th December-2018 | international | |
6 | International Conference on Food Value Chain: Innovations and challenges (FVC-2016) | Mainao Alina Gayary, Mridul Nath, Bhaskarjyoti Hazarika, Kukil Konwar, Andrew Brahma | NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Soepat, Haryana | 17th -18th March-2016 | international | |
7 | International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing, Value Chain Management & Food Safety | M. A. Gayary and K. K. Dash | NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana | 10th – 12th January-2013 | international |
Life Member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India)
Life Member of Nutrition Society of India
Life Member of The Indian Science Congress Association
Qualified ICAR NET 2014 in Food Science and Technology
Awarded UGC Post Graduate Scholarship during M.Tech
- Dash, K. K., Raj, G. V. S. B., & Gayary, M. A. (2020). Application of Neural Networks in Optimizing Different Food Processes: Case study, Mathematical and statistical applications in food engineering, 1st edn, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 346-362.
- Gautam, G., Gayary, M. A., Mahnot, N. K., & Mahanta C. L. (2024). Ultrasound Processing of Foods and Food Products: An Overview, Advanced Research Methods in Food Processing Technologies, 1st edn, Apple Academic Press, 97-123.
- One week In-house training Programme on Induction Training conducted by NITTTR Kolkata, from 3rd August to 7th August 2015 at CIT Kokrajhar, Assam, India.
- One week AICTE-NEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Food Processing Technologies” conducted by Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University from 20th -24th November 2017.
- One month “Induction Training of Faculty” conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University, under PMMMNMTT Scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development at Tezpur University, Tezpur, India from June 6 to July 5, 2018.
- ICT Mode (Online) short term course on “Evaluating Students’ Performance and Designing Question Papers” organized by NITTTR Kolkata from 25th February to 1st March 2019 at CIT Kokrajhar, Assam, India.
- ICT Mode (Online) short-term course on “Learning Management System” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh from 5th March to 9th March 2019 at CIT Kokrajhar, Assam, India.
- ICT Mode (Online) short-term course on “Managing Yourself” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh from 18th March to 22nd March 2019 at CIT Kokrajhar, Assam, India.
- Completed online faculty development programme on Fermented Foods and beverages from 18/08/2020 to 22/08/2020, organized by Department of Chemistry, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar.
- Successfully completed 2 months (8 weeks) 8 online modules of MOOCs Courses organized by NITTTR Chennai on Online Degree SWAYAM Platform through NITTT portal during April 2021 to May 2021.
- Successfully completed the weeklong online FDP on Emerging Areas in Food Engineering and Technology organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University in association with Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University during 26-30 July 2021.
- One day National Webinar on “Opportunities and Challenges in Food Processing and Technology During this Era” organised by Atal Bihari Vajpayee University Bilaspur (C.G) on 8th August 2020.
- One day Webinar on “Newer Sensory Methods for Consumer Insights” organised by Department of Food Science and Technology and NIFTEM Center for Food Research Analysis, NIFTEM on 12th August 2020.
- Participated in Two days TEQIP-II sponsored National Webinar on Recent Trends in Non-Thermal Food Processing technologies organized by the Department of Food Process Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, from September 20 to 21, 2020.
- Participated in One day Webinar on Neutraceuticals and Wound Healing, organized by Department of Food Technology, Mizoram University, Aizawl on 23rd September, 2020.
- Participated in two week Faculty Development Programme through ICT mode on Advanced Pedagogy organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR) Kolkata from 31st October to 11th November 2022.
- Attended International Workshop on “HACCP and GMP in Food Industries and ISO Certification” conducted by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India on 30th October 2010.
- Attended International Workshop on “Modern Trends on Pulse Processing for Enhancing Out Turn and Profit Margins” conducted by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India on 30th October to 31st October 2010.
- Attended National Workshop on “Patent Search and Analysis” organized by Tezpur University Intellectual Property Rights Cell in collaboration with TIFAC, DST on 6th September 2014.
- Attended International Workshop on Role of Technological Advances, Incubation Themes and Engineering Skills (TAITES-2016) organized by the Department of Information Technology, Computer Science & Engineering and Humanities & Social Sciences, Central Institute of Technology Kokajhar, BTAD, Assam, India hrld on Janary 21-23, 2016.
- Attended National Workshop on “Quality Management in Grain Industry” organized by NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana, India on 19th March 2016.
- Attended one-week online National Workshop on Data Analysis with SPSS, held during 4-10 July, 2020, organized by the Department of Geography, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Assam.
FPT-301: Introduction to Food Processing Technology
FPT-402: Servicing and Maintenance of Food Machineries
FPT-614: Fermented and Non-fermented Beverages
DFET301: Introduction to Food Processing and Preservation
DFET303: Food Product Technology -I
DFET510: Professional Practice-III
DFET502: Food Product Technology-II
DFET610: Professional Practice-IV
FPT301: Basic Microbiology
FPT404: Food Microbiology
FPT501: Food Industry Waste Management
FPT504: Food Product Technology (Milk and Milk Product Technology)
FPT801: Plant Design and Project Engineering
FPT812: Concentration and Dehydration of Food Products
UFET505: Food Industry Waste Management
UFET611: Food Product Technology IV- (Bakery, Confectionary and extruded products)
UFET612: Food Product Technology V- (Fats and Oils)
UFET801: Plant Design and Project Engineering
- Warden of 3 CIT Korajhar Gilrs’ Hostel since 2015 till 2019.
- Member of Women Cell CIT Kokrajhar since November 2015 till January 2024.
- Member of Physical stock verification committee of Internal Academics since May 2016 till 2019.
- Faculty In-charge of Food Microbiology laboratory of Department of Food Engineering and Technology from 2016 to 2017.
- Departmental Seminar Co-ordinator of Department of Food Engineering and Technology during July 2016 to June 2017.
- Member of Time Table and Calender Committee, CIT Kokrajhar since December 2017 till 2022.
- Member of Internal Anti-ragging Squad of CIT Kokrajhar from July 2017 till 2019.
- Faculty co-ordinator Techracy sponsorship committee 2016.
- Member of organising committee of National conference on ASSET 2018 at CIT kokrajhar.
- Member of organising committee of international conference on FAST 2019 at CIT kokrajhar.
- Main warden of Baokhungri Girls’ Hostel since 2021 till 2023.
- Secretary of Departmental Diploma Programme Committee (DDPC) since 03/02/2022 till 2023.
- In-charge for Departmental Training and Placement from February 14, 2023 till November 2023.
- Warden, Tengapara/T2 Girls’ Hostel since 15th February 2023 till November 2023.