Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar | Profile
Dr. Yachang Omo

Dr. Yachang Omo

Assistant Professor


Research Interest:

Geo-environmental Engineering

Geotechnics for Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development

Department of Civil Engineering
Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar
Ph.D. (North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology)
SL No Title Journal Authors Publisher Issbn Volume No Page No Type Publish Type Year
1 Improvement of Strength Behaviour of Fly Ash and Cement Stabilized Soil with Glass Fibre Reinforcement Advances in Geo-Science and Geo-Structures Philley P.D., Kalita, A., Omo, Y. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 154. Springer, Singapore Vol. 154 - BOOK CHAPTER international 2022
2 Energy Absorption Properties of Fly Ash-Cement Treated Soil Reinforced with Bagasse and Glass Fibre Wastes Based on UU Triaxial Tests Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials Omo, Y., Kalita, A. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 124. Springer, Singapore Vol. 124 - BOOK CHAPTER international 2021
3 Energy Absorption, Secant Modulus and Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced High Fly Ash Content Cement Treated Soil International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Yachang Omo, Ajanta Kalita International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075 - - JOURNAL international 2019
4 Strength Characteristics of Fly Ash Stabilized Sandy Soil Reinforced with Glass Fibers Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017 GeoNEst, 14-16 December 2017, IIT Guwahati, India Yachang Omo, Tayeng, N., Kalita, A. Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017, IIT Guwahati - - CONFERENCE international 2017
5 California Bearing Ratio and Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil-Fly Ash-Glass Fiber Mixture International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences Yachang Omo, Ajanta Kalita International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2349-4476 Vol. 5 - JOURNAL international 2017
6 Improvement in CBR value of Soil-Fly Ash Mix Reinforced with Glass Fibers International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering Yachang Omo, Ajanta Kalita International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering ISSN: 2394-0573 Vol. 4 - JOURNAL international 2017
7 Strength and Stiffness Response of Itanagar Soil Reinforced With Arecanut Fiber International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Muni, T., Jeram, Y., Padu, K., Omo, Y., & Singh, H.P. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753 Vol. 3 - JOURNAL international 2014
Conferences Attends
SL No Title Authors Venue Publisher Month/Year Type
1 1st National Conference on Geo-Science and Geo-Structures (GSGS-2020) Yachang Omo National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur September-2020 national
2 Advances in sustainable construction materials Yachang Omo National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur August-2020 national
3 Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017 GeoNEst on "Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies" Yachang Omo IIT Guwahati Indian Geotechnical Society IIT Guwahati December-2017 international
4 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities Yachang Omo NITTTR Chandigarh NITTTR Chandigarh June-2017 international

  1. S. Mondal, R. Maity, Y. Omo, S. Ghosh and A. Nag, "An Efficient Computational Risk Prediction Model of Heart Diseases Based on Dual-Stage Stacked Machine Learning Approaches," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 7255-7270, 2024, https://doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3350996.

  2. Philley P.D., Kalita, A., Omo, Y. (2022) Improvement of Strength Behaviour of Fly Ash and Cement Stabilized Soil with Glass Fibre Reinforcement. Advances in Geo-Science and Geo-Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 154. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1993-9_14.
  3. Omo, Y., Kalita, A. (2021) Energy Absorption Properties of Fly Ash-Cement Treated Soil Reinforced with Bagasse and Glass Fibre Wastes Based on UU Triaxial Tests. Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol. 124. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4590-4_26
  4. Omo, Y., Kalita, A., (2019) Energy Absorption, Secant Modulus and Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced High Fly Ash Content Cement Treated Soil. IJITEE, ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 8, Issue-11, September 2019. Pg. 1902-1909.
  5. Omo, Y., Tayeng, N., Kalita, A., (2017) Strength Characteristics of Fly Ash Stabilized Sandy Soil Reinforced with Glass Fibers. Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017 GeoNEst, 14-16 December 2017, IIT Guwahati, India.
  6. Omo, Y., Kalita, A., (2017) California Bearing Ratio and Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil-Fly Ash-Glass Fiber Mixture. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2349-4476, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2017.
  7. Omo, Y., Kalita, A., (2017) Improvement in CBR value of Soil-Fly Ash Mix Reinforced with Glass Fibers. International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering, ISSN: 2394-0573 Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan- Feb, 2017, Pg. 40 – 45.
  8. Muni, T., Jeram, Y., Padu, K., Omo, Y., & Singh, H.P., (2014) Strength and Stiffness Response of Itanagar Soil Reinforced With Arecanut Fiber. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753 Vol. 3, Issue 10, October 2014.

  1. 1st National Conference on Geo-Science and Geo-Structures (GSGS-2020) organised by National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur from 03 – 04 September 2020.
  2. National Conference on “Advances in sustainable construction materials” (ASCM 2020) organized by National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur from 03 – 04 August 2020.
  3. Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017 GeoNEst on "Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies"  organised by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati from 14–16 December 2017.
  4. 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities (ICNFESMH-2017) at NITTTR Chandigarh on 11.06.2017.


  1. 10th International Conference Computers, Management & Mathematical Sciences (ICCM) 2024, Organised by NERIST and NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 26 - 27 July 2024.
  2. Indo-Canada Workshop on “Interactive Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Theory to Practice” Organised by NIT Karnataka, IGS Surathkal Chapter, IIT Kanpur, TC 206 of ISSMGE and University of Ottawa Canada from 24 Sept – 2 Oct 2020.
  3. One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Laboratory Experiments Using Virtual Lab in Civil Engineering” Organised by MMM University of Technology, Gorakhpur from 21 – 25 September 2020.
  4. AICTE approved Indo-USA Faculty Development Program on “Geotechnics for Infra-Structure Development” Organised by Indian Society for Technical Education, IGS Pune Chapter and College of Engineering Pune from July 31–7 Aug, 2020.
  5. 1st Indo-Japan Webinar Series on “Geotechnics for Disaster Mitigation” from June 8 – 13, 2020. Organised by IGS Surathkal Chapter India, NIT Surathkal India, IIT Tirupati India and Kyushu University Japan.
  6. AICTE sponsored two weeks FDP on "Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources." 14–25 October 2019, organized by North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
  7. Third Indo-Japan Workshop on "Geotechnics for Natural Disaster Mitigation and Management" at IIT Guwahati on 13.12.2017.
  8. Workshop on "Induction Training Programme" conducted by NITTTR Kolkata on August 3, 2015.
  9. Workshop on "Effective Implementation of Teaching Learning System" organized by NITTTR Kolkata from 21.01.2013 to 25.01.2013.

  1. “Workshop on Arc-GIS Application in Engineering Projects and Ground Referencing” at CIT Kokrajhar on 2nd – 6th April, 2018.
  2. “National Workshop on Building Planning Design and Analysis” at CIT Kokrajhar on 6th – 11th May, 2019.

  1. PI of the project titled "Modelling and Visualising Bodo Tourism and Marketing Bodo Souvenirs with Fintech-Based Solutions Using AR and VR Technology in the Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR)" (Approval No. IBITF/Note/TSP/SanctionLetter/2023-24/0244 Dated:14-11-2023) by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) for the Technology Innovation Hub (FINTECH) at IIT Bhilai.